This is a portal for indigenous related documentaries and shortfilms made all over the Amerikua continent, that portray stories of resilient cultures who are leading the battle to protect the ecosystems of earth from diverse frontlines: from eco-activism, human rights, earth rights, iniciatives that offer solutions against pipelines, dams, miners, tankers, deforestation, land grabbing, water contamination, globalization, addictions, inequality, malnourishment, etc.
But also a portal to showcase the originary cultures, their traditions, songs, stories, legacy and their message to a world in crisis. This is an ongoing network that offers a space for diverse cultures to converge and merge forces across the continent to share news of hope, practical solutions and volunteer support to those places, issues, and initiavites that need people as we speak.
Sliammon nation - CANADA Yanomami - BRAZIL Huicholes - MEXICO
Coast Salish nations & people of BC offer a Peaceful demonstration VS the OIL companies, pipelines & tar sands @ downtown vancouver, Summer 2014.
From Amazonia to NY
Meet the son of an Amazon chief who left the rainforest to study in New York City. See how he brings awareness of his culture to the US and hear about his dream to work in documentary film.
Huicholes: the last peyote guardians
This is the story of the Wixarika, defending their sacred land against miner companies in Mexico.
Corazon del Cielo, Corazon de la Tierra (version completa)
Narra la vida de 9 jovenes Maya que cuentan como la irrefrenada globalización destruye la Tierra y a los pueblos indÃgenas con drásticas consecuencias para todos nosotros.
Damocracy A documentary that debunks the myth of large-scale dams as clean energy and a solution to climate change. It records the priceless cultural and natural heritage the world would lose in the Amazon and Mesopotamia if two planned large-scale dams are built, Belo Monte dam in Brazil, and Ilisu dam in Turkey. DAMOCRACY is a story of resistance by the thousands of people who will be displaced, and a call to world to support their struggle
Regreso a la Raiz (shortfilm)
its a sneak peak into traditional dances and ancient cultures from all over mexico, from huichol dance and fire ceremonies, to aztec dances and mayan ceremonies in the middle of the jungle.
Maya -MEXICO Yanomami - BRAZIL Mapuches - CHILE
Mensaje del Abuelo Marzo
como activar la plataforma de conciencia para la nueva humanidad
Rio+20: Acampamento Terra Livre
documentary about the discrimantion of indigenous tribes that were not invited to the UN meetings in rio de janeiro.
Resistencia Mapuche
documental que cuenta la historia de la resistencia Mapuche-Chilena durante 300 años
Sliammon nation - CANADA Mexica- MX-US Q`ero - PERU
Ta´Kaya Blaney
This is a beautiful shortfilm about the importance of mantaining clean water in the world.
Kid Warrior
Xiuhtezcatle Martinez is one of the leaders of "Earth Guardiands" an organization that empowers Indigenous youth around the world.
Cosmovision Andina
Nicolas Paccuar nos enseña sobre su cultura y sobre la magia que reside dentro de la conexion con la naturaleza, quien es un ser conciente, Pachamama.