AMERIKUA, Its an online platform with the mission to interconnect INDIGENOUS tribes from all over the AMERIKUA continent, in order to help them promote their culture, tell their stories to the world through short films and articles, sell their arts and crafts, and most importantly to help them support their front lines: protection of natural resources, water, land, food sovereignty, organic seeds, reforestation, human rights etc.
Indigenous and traditional communities should be supported in their unique adaptation to marginal areas and ecosystem boundaries, not only because they are showing how resourceful they are in applying their traditional knowledge to create strategies for lessening the impacts of natural and man made disasters, but because their ancestral culture and traditions contain the codes that will help re establish our communication and symbiotic relationship with nature and ourselves, before its too late to turn back.
AMERIKUA, Es una plataforma en linea con la mision de interconectar tribus INDIGENAS de todo el continente AMERIKUA,para asi apoyar la promocion de sus culturas y la venta de su arte, busca contar sus historias al mundo atraves de cortos, documentales y articulos, y sobretodo apoyar sus luchas: proteccion de recursos naturales, agua, tierras, alimentacion, semillas organicas, reforestacion, derechos humanos, etc.
Las comunidades tradicionales e indigenas deben de ser apoyadas en su adaptacion especialmente en areas marginadas y las orillas de los ecosistemas, no solo porque estan demostrando que tan habiles son al aplicar su sabiduria ancestral al crear estrategias para aminorar los impactos naturales y producidos por el hombre, pero ademas por que sus culturas y tradiciones ancestrales contienen los codigos que ayudaran a restablecer nuestra comunicacion y relacion simbiotica con la naturaleza y nosotros mismos, antes de que sea demasiado tarde.