MAIA BALAM mexico - canada - costa rica - bali

Bio Hacker +Cacao alchemist
chef & health/life coach
WorkShops / talleres
All my workshops have been designed to help my clients to detox, regain health and reconfigure their eating habits by quitting processed foods, sugars, white flour, refined salt, red meat, colorants, canned foods, and other additives that are bad for your health.
When you make the decision to improve your eating habits and detox from the foods that have been causing toxicity on your body for years, your mind becomes more sharp, your digestive system heals, your immune system is boosted and you get sick less often.
-All my wokshops can be taught in English or spanish.-
Todos mis cursos han sido diseñados para ayudar a dejar de consumir productos procesados, azucares, harinas blancas, sal refinada, colorantes, enlatados, y productos dañinos para el organismo, que acidifican la sangre y dan pie a que virus y bacterias vivan en el cuerpo indeterminadamente. Cuando uno toma la decision de dejar todos estos productos procesados de lado y optar por una dieta alcalina y en base a frutos, vegetales, granos y superfoods, la salud se restablece automaticamente desde el primer dia, y a los 7 dias ya se siente un cambio mayor, en la 4ta semana ya se puede hablar de una desintoxicacion primaria, y en la 7ma semana ya esta el organismo mas limpio, celulas felices, una mente mas clara, y un cuerpo mas activo.
todos los cursos pueden ser en grupo y a domicilio, o personalizados y privados.

1-Bio-Hack yourself
2-Raw & cooked Fusion cuisine
3-Superfoods & Sprouting
5-Juicing+ Detoxing
6- Vegan Non Gluten Pastiseries
7-Sugar & Bread Rehab

Biohacking is a fairly new practice that could lead to major changes in your life if you learn the tricks,
diets and protocols to improve your own body. There are many ways people around the world are learning to hack their own biology, through diet, supplements, superfoods, technology, exercise, etc.
By learning these special techniques, protocols and diets you will be able to
re-gain control of systems in your body that you thought you would never have access to
because of a chronic condition, multiple diseases,
lack of time, lack of money or lack of knowledge.
Now days we have access to all kinds of information, supplements and natural medicines with the power of one click, but most of the time what we need in order to learn new diets, recipes and protocols is to see them tested, recommended and approved by someone else who has in depth knowledge and personal experience with the most successful protocols, cutting edge therapies, superfoods and supplements in the market.
It is in these times of great toxicity in the air, food, water and media that I feel compelled to share
all my "health recovery hacks & information" with my friends, family and followers, in order to help you recover your health, and reestablish your birth right to be disease free.
THIS BIO HACKING WORKSHOP is specially designed to insipire and motivate you to take your health into the next level. After I overcame Lyme disease´s most acute symptoms in a record time of 3 months, all on my own, because the medical industry had no clue about how my Illness...
I discovered that I have the capacity to heal myself and not depend on pharmaceutical drugs indefinitely, as most lyme patients do (and millions of people around the world who are dependent to pharmaceuticals because they do not know better. In the last years I have armed myself up with the most powerful plants, supplements and natural bactericides on earth, and through thousands of hours of study, precise diet, experimenting with multiple treatments and protocols I was able to recover the balance of my digestive tract system, my mental clarity, boost my immune system, and win the battle Vs. Lyme.
Biohacking is the process of making changes to your lifestyle
in order to “hack” your body’s biology and feel your best self ever.
You know the saying, “You are what you eat”? That actually applies to humans in a broader sense: everything we put into our bodies — our foods, our thoughts, our physical movement — all affect how we behave and how we feel. By biohacking yourself, you can actually transform your body so that you feel more energized, motivated
become more productive and, overall, feel like the best possible version of yourself.

​sugar & bread rehab / Taller de postres​
Este curso esta diseñado para ayudarte a dejar el vicio de consumir productos dulces e industrializados que solo dañan tu organismo, y sustituirlos por postres veganos y sin gluten, hechos por ti (sin azúcar, huevo o lácteos) tan diversos como chocolates de cacao, raw brownies, , pastel de zanahoria, smoothies y muchos otros super foodies, que no solo te ayudaran a bajar de peso, sino que aumentaran tus defensas, tendrás un estado de ánimo más armónico, más energÃa, y podrás ofrecerle postres saludable a tu familia y amigos en cualquier hora del dÃa.
En el 1er modulo teórico-práctico aprenderás principalmente las múltiples propiedades del cacao, que además de subirte el estado de ánimo al hacerte segregar endorfinas, ayuda a tu sistema inmune, circulatorio, digestivo estimula tu cerebro y glándula pineal, además de ser uno de los afrodisiacos preferidos por todos.
• historia y usos del cacao
• los 4 males: azúcar, harina, sal, leche
• aprenderas a prepar RAW brownies
• mermelada de manzana con moras
• haremos un chai de cacao con jengibre y otras especias
• mientras preparamos RAW carrot cake
• conoceras diferentes superfoods, como spirulina, arandano, chia, quinoa, moras, gojis, nueces, coco, etc
• veremos dif. Endulzantes naturales y sus cualidades
• aprenderas a hacer mazapanes de spirulina

el curso incluye todos los ingredientes, degustacion, material de apoyo, y postres para llevar